Wildwood (n.) an uncultivated wood or forest that has been allowed to grow naturally.
Serving Winston-Salem, Greensboro, & central North Carolina ~ Available for travel
Winston-Salem Birth Photographer & Sacred Birthkeeper ~ CordeliaGrey Oriana Allen
Birth photography services with an extra touch of magic and support.

Life Bringers.
There is so much beauty here.
Beauty, and magic, and oxytocin flowing- the love hormone. The one that makes us laugh, and cry, and heal. When we snuggle, or kiss, or birth.
In birth, hormones also makes us forget, and this day is so worth remembering.
You need someone who knows birth, who will witness and honor you and your story, who will hold space for you, while you bring life forth.
Your birth story matters; it deserves to be cherished, to be remembered, to be supported.

Birth is more than something that just happens to us.
It is within us, a sacred becoming, a promise, a breath not yet exhaled...
I support, document, and believe in every type of birth.
Home birth
Unassisted birth
Outdoor birth
Hospital birth
Epidural birth
Cesarean birth
Lotus birth
Gentle cesarean birth
Lotus cesarean birth
NICU experiences
Suragacy stories
Miscarriage birth
Still birth
I am just one person. I only have two hands, a bleeding heart, and my own practices and intentions. I am only human, and make plenty of mistakes. I am a survivor. Within this messy beautiful life, both because of what I have witnessed, and what I have been through personally, it is important to me to be a safe space. I strive to be open minded and compassionate. To believe and participate in conversation, education, and efforts honoring all human rights. Including but not limited to topics surrounding: women's rights, trans rights, racism, asian hate, obstetric violence, postpartum illness and mental health afflictions, trauma, healing, and the honoring of culture. LGBTQIA affirming.

I am so glad you are here
Birth is a path, a way. It reminds us that we have great power within. If we let it, if we become willing sojourners on this journey, it can open us up to our heart of hearts. Here we will find a place to walk forth with bare feet. We will find magic, life, a little wildwood of opportunity.
If we let it, it will change us; bring us closer to God, closer to our true selves, closer
to one another and to the life that pulses through us all.
My dear mothers, I believe in you and your ability to birth. I believe that with the right team supporting you, your birth can be everything your soul needs it to be. I believe that birth should be left a little wild, that it can not truly (and should not) be controlled. While I honor the sacredness of medicine (herbal and otherwise), and am immensely grateful for its use when needed, I do not believe that pregnancy is a sickness or something to be managed. I believe in informed consent, true options, and limitless choices. I believe in family centered birth, and believe that a women deserves to have anyone and everyone she wants present at her birth. I believe humanity trumps policy. I believe in miracles, in prayer, and in the wisdom of all the mothers and birth workers who have come before us.
I also believe in art, in honoring the stories of birth. I believe birth photography can help us connect with ourselves and each other across generations and realms. It can help us honor the wisdoms and stories that we find in the birth space. Honor our bodies and souls. It can help us process and bring us great healing.
Individually and collectively.
I believe in divine timing, serendipity, and connections.
If you are reading this right now, perhaps there is a reason.
Lets go have a cup of tea, or coffee, and explore the possibilities.
- Your Birthkeeper

Truly, each birth space changes me, changes my shape and my heart, touching me with more. More experience, more stories, more whispers of love and loss and magic. I accept these gifts humbly and try to leave a bit of myself behind. I am like water, flowing, and soothing, molding to fit each glass I am poured into. I leave dew drops on flowers and carry seashells in my pockets. Birth is where my heart works. I am a gentle spirit, with a deep soul and the gift of empathy. I use it to serve mothers, fathers, and families of all shapes and sizes. When we work together I will, hold space for you. For your story, your dreams, your losses, for each life you create and sustain. I am a birth photographer, my camera is a part of me and it carries this energy and these intentions. When I document, it is to honor.
I would love to share with you, more about who I am, and how I came to this calling. You can visit my about me page titled "Meet your Birthkeeper" or get in touch, we can grab a cup of coffee, some invisible string, and start weaving the place in our tapestries where our connection begins.
CordeliaGrey Oriana Allen, birth photographer

You are love
Keep existing. The world is blessed by the beating of your heart.