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A Back Up Birth Story

In birthwork, community is everything. It is impossible to work in this field without boundaries, support, and intentional planning. There is no competition here, at least not in my circles. Us birth photographers rely heavily on eachother. We each bring something different to the table, and while we serve some clients together, our clients choose each of us intentionally. We send eachother referrals when we are booked, or when we think someone else is a better fit for their birth vision. We back eachother up when we've been at a birth too long to keep going, or in cases of illness. We back each other up when someone has a dr apt when a birth starts, or needs a vacation weekend.

Our clients are not left hanging because of this beautiful relationship of community. I am continuously building on mine, pouring into mine where and how I can.

It was an honor to serve as a back up birth photographer for my dear friend Rachel, who at this time was only taking on a couple of clients, with good back up support, while she tended to her full time job and her family during this season. She is amazing and it was so fun to share space with her and this family for a short time before she had to head to work. I settled softly into the space with this family.

I loved sharing space and getting to know their spirits, they moved here from Poland, and it was unique to experience a different culture and energy in the birth space. Every culture and corner of the world brings different ideas and energies to birth.

Here are just a few of the photos I was able to document during my time with them.

This birth reminded me of the importance of communication, protection, and energy. It taught me a lot, increased my hunger for knowledge and courage. It pushed me to be a better birth attendant in many ways. There were so many stories between the lines here that were tender and emotional. It is always my intention to document a story in a way that brings honor and healing to the mother, to the family. I hope that these beautiful tender moments will do so, reminding them of their magic and beauty forevermore. Most importantly- reminding them of the value of their bond, their love, as they brought life forth together in this space.

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