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Birth Story of Rory Forrest

Rory Forrest, his name and his birth day- both enchanting. I love the color and mood of this birth story.

The blue tones and water birth vibes, really speak to how the whole day played out. It was quite, serene, and beautiful. This mama was so prepared. She had a detailed birth plan, a birth tub, her own brand of "labor" water, her own gowns, essential oils to support her body during this vulnerable time, a hands on supportive husband, and an incredible doula who had been with her during the births of her other children. This being her fourth child, she knew exactly what she needed to get through the waves on this day. She really made this birth her own.

She labored walking, and sitting, laying, and bouncing. She used rebozo techniques to relieve pressure, water to sooth and inspire baby. She leaned on her support team, and stayed strong even in her weakest moments.

I loved getting to work alongside this amazing doula, who will be welcoming her own little one soon. The dad was so supportive, and never tired, silent and steady and full of love for his wife. ​

The staff on this day was INCREDIBLE. The nurses ran back and forth with coffee pots, and sterile bowls of every shape and size sloshing full of all the hot water they could carry. The hot water in the whole birthing unit had been shut off completely for the day- and of course no one told the nurses this would be the case beforehand. They were determined to give this mama the water birth she dreamed of, and worked tirelessly to fill the tub with heated water from the coffee machines and even the microwave at one point. They removed the bathroom shower curtain and taped it to the tub to keep in the warmth while they waited for the hot water to reheat during each run.

When mamas transition hit, staff peeked in, silent and respectful, and in awe- so excited to see a water birth happen on their floor. 

Baby ended up being born on the bed, just seconds after mama decided to climb out of the tub for the last time and let gravity help move baby out. It was a hard last few minutes, but she did it. The joy afterwords was tangible for everyone in the room.

Such a beautiful birth.

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